Wednesday, May 6, 2009

When I was A Child

While thinking about Mother's Day I remembered some of the things we did as a child. Our house was the neighborhood hang out.

When I Was A Child

When I was a child neighborhood children loved our house,
There was never a time when you found it as quiet as a mouse.
When mom cooked it was always enough for everyone,
Not just enough for her two daughters and two sons,
We played marbles and climbed trees.
Played hop scotch in the driveway because we had no car you see.
We walked to the grocery store and downtown.
When we purchased two or more bags of groceries there was always a cab around
Mom worked during the day and dad worked at night,
Mom spent time telling us jokes and tongue twisters,
all the kids together what a beautiful sight.
We had chores and still had time to play.
Our parents kept us from being bored in the good ole days.
We peeled apples and peaches for mom to freeze, can and make jam.
Dad even had a meat box for curing hams.
Sometime we had steak for breakfast instead of cereal to eat.
Chicken, pork and beef the freezer was full of those meats.
The house we lived in never leaked,
We always had to keep our room clean and neat.
It was not the best looking house in the world,
But it was the house that was filled with LOVE.

Copyright Clara R. Dorsey All Rights Reserved Reprint By Permission Only